Salt Lake City Blog for Russian and English speaking community looking for real estate, legal and translating services and/or information
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Salt Lake City Blog for Russian and English speaking community looking for real estate, legal and translating services and/or information
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
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Whether you have an agent or looking for one, please do not ever hesitate to request following types of information:
1. Comparable Analysis of the Property
(the one you are planning to purchase or sell)
2. Neighborhood Market Analysis
3. Legal Advice - Notary, Immigration or Criminal Attorney's Consultation
4. Contract Questions
5. Translation
6. And much more,
Just send me a quick e-mail explaining what you need, and I will reply within minutes!*
1. Comparable Analysis of the Property
(the one you are planning to purchase or sell)
2. Neighborhood Market Analysis
3. Legal Advice - Notary, Immigration or Criminal Attorney's Consultation
4. Contract Questions
5. Translation
6. And much more,
Just send me a quick e-mail explaining what you need, and I will reply within minutes!*
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